Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Song Song Song Song Song Song Song!!!!!!

Monday September 26th Delta Zeta hosted our first serenade of the semester with the gentlemen of Sigma Nu. We had an amazing time introducing their Fall 2011 pledge class to our Spring 2011 initiates and Fall 2011 new members!  After the serenade we invited them into our living room to mingle. The men of Sigma Nu treated us with genuine kindness and impressed us with their swag. 

The lovely ladies of Delta Zeta are super excited to branch out socially this semester. Our next social will be a BBQ held on October 6th, 2011 with Sigma Chi. We look forward to getting out and meeting as many members of the San Jose State community as possible. 

***This blog was written by our Social Chairwoman, Natalie.  Natalie is a Senior HRTM major and serves as Vice President of Recruitment for Panhellenic Council and is an active member of the SJSU HRTM Club. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


It's National Hazing Prevention Week 2011, and Delta Zeta is taking time this week to recommit ourselves to our organizational values of love, loyalty, trust and respect. 

Please watch this video from the National Interfraternity Conference President. 

Amazing Mondays

Oh Hey There Blogosphere,

We realize we have been a little behind with regularly updating our page.  But have no fear, recruitment is over and we are ready to focus our attention on our chapter activities. 

Today we began our weekly chapter meetings for the Fall semester.  These meetings are crucial for Delta Zeta because they are the one time each week that all of our members are together.  At these meetings we review official sorority business, go over plans for the semester and provide our members with information relating to academics, university policy, health and safety, and so much more. 

Tonight, after chapter, we had Turtle Pal revealing.  Turtle Pals are pen pals that each of our new members have their first week in Delta Zeta.  They write letters back and forth, and get cool gifts.  We will post pictures from TP revealing soon. 

Another wonderful thing about today was that Panhellenic Council, the governing body of the general interest sororities, held their first board meeting.  At these meetings, each Panhellenic officer, Interfraternity Council, Fraternity and Sorority Life and each sorority make reports and update us on what is going on in the community.  It seems like this is going to be one busy, but exciting, semester!

Delta Zeta is proud to have so many women involved with Panhellenic Council.  In addition to our chapter Panhellenic Delegate, Jenny, and President, who attend these weekly meetings, three DZ members serve the sorority community as members of the Panhellenic Executive Board.  We are so proud to have our members representing the entire sorority community.  Here is a little about them and their positions:

Natalie, Vice President of Membership Recruitment and Retention: Natalie is responsible for the planning and execution of all formal recruitment activities, educates the community on recruitment and retention policy, chairs the Panhellenic Recruitment Committee and communicates frequently with the National Panhellenic Conference.  Natalie is also the Social Chairwoman for Delta Zeta.

Madeline, Natalie, and Sara R.
Madeline, Director of Philanthropy: Madeline is responsible for helping with the promotion and participation in each individual chapters' philanthropy events.  Additionally, she hosts fundraisers, plans collections and drives and provides additional service and philanthropy opportunities for all Panhellenic women.  Madeline is also the External Philanthropy Chairwoman for Delta Zeta. 

Jessica and Jenny
Jessica M, Director of Scholarship:  Jessica is responsible for hosting all Panhellenic member study nights and providing incentives and recognition for chapters and individual members who are extraordinarily committed to academics.  Jessica is also the Fundraising Chairwoman for Delta Zeta.  

The Panhellenic Creed:

"We, the undergraduate members of women's fraternities, stand for good scholarship, for guarding of good health, for maintenance of fine standards, and for serving, to the best of our ability, our college community. Cooperation for furthering fraternity life, in harmony with its best possibilities, is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities.

We, the fraternity women, stand for service through the development of character inspired by close contact and deep friendship of individual fraternity and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by which we strive to live."

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Recruitment Weekend

Oh Em GEE, Recruitment Weekend came and went faster than any of us could have expected.  It feels like we started House Tour Day and suddenly we have 27 FABULOUS new members!

We are so excited to begin the semester which such wonderful new sisters to add to our sisterhood. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Different Colored Shirts at the Panhellenic Mixer

Oh yes, it is that time of year again!  Recruitment time : )

Juli and Alex carrying our big "Zeta"

Recruitment is such a great time in the Panhellenic Sorority Community because it allows our organizations to grow by looking for new members who sharing our common values and purpose.

Members from all 6 sororities before the Mixer began

Last night twenty of our sisters attended the Mixer hosted by SJSU Panhellenic Council.  We had so much fun meeting so many great potential new members as well as women in other chapters.   

Recruitment Counselors

If you attended the mixer you may have noticed women wearing different color shirts. So what do the different colors mean?

Fuchsia: Women wearing the fuchsia (btw, I just learned how to spell fuchsia, why is it spelled so weird?!  Thank you spell check!) colored shirts are active members in their chapters, they will be recruiting on campus, passing out information, giving house tours during recruitment weekend, etc.

White: Women wearing white shirts are Recruitment Counselors.  They are active and recent alumnae of their sorority and will guide potential new members through recruitment weekend.  They are not helping their sorority with recruitment and will not share which sorority they are in with potential members.  This is to ensure that they can help potential members that may be conflicted when it comes to making decisions during recruitment weekend. 

Yellow:  Women in yellow shirts are members of SJSU Panhellenic Council.  They are the officers of the governing body of all Panhellenic Sororities.  They also will not share their sorority affiliation with potential members so that they can best assist women going through recruitment.  They plan, execute and facilitate all aspects of recruitment. 

We hope that attendees of the mixer who were curious about sorority membership got their questions answered and enjoyed themselves.  If you haven't yet registered for Panhellenic Recruitment you can do so here.  Registering for recruitment is needed to attend the events held over recruitment weekend. 

If you are still unsure about sorority membership and would like some more information, on Wednesday, September 7 at 5:30pm in Morris Dailey Auditorium, Panhellenic Council will be hosting Sorority Recruitment Orientation and a special session for parent's and guests.  This event is a great opportunity to get a lot more information about sororities and recruitment without needing to  be registered for recruitment.  You can get more information about recruitment here.